Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day : And a Happy Solstice 2 U!

Still sporadic with the blogging these days - a fractious time. Another week and a bit and I'll hopefully be ensconced in a new office/studio - then we'll see what happens. But for now, it's Father's Day and verging on the Solstice, so a good time for reflection, perhaps.

Here's a little something from two years ago today.

Father’s Day

Processing around the foot of the bed
The children circle with a tray,
Which displays a bespoke breakfast
For the day that’s in it.

There’s toast and chicken soup, a coloured glass
Of fridgedoor milk, handprinted cards.
An egg-carton-spined butterfly, big as a gull, nestles
Four hundred grammes of angular Swiss chocolate.

Later, flock abroad, I return to bed
With coffee to crack the seal on my gift;
This rainy Sunday morning - mock-mourned by
The easy lament of a lone woodpigeon
Who then becomes quiet.

© PJ Nolan 2007